Research & Teaching

Leaders in Pain Research
BPS Physicians Continue to be Leaders in Pain Research

BPS physicians continue to be at the forefront of IPM care and are actively engaged in research to constantly better the field of IPM. No industry funding. Our physicians are passionate about patient care, delivering the best to our patients, and generously fund the research efforts out of their own pockets for the sake of their patients and other pain patients everywhere.

Active Quality Improvement

Currently, our physicians have 9 studies in active investigation and 4 in various stages of publication.

Multiple Active Radiofrequency Ablation Studies
BPS Collaborates
Collaborative Research Improves Patient Care

BPS continues to be and will continue to be open to collaboration for additional, high-quality, research. If you are interested, please get in touch.

University Affiliations
BPS physicians with affiliations to Ontario University medical schools will actively take on residents and medical students for clinical education and research.
BPS Physicians Teach as Faculty at Medical Schools


Ketamine & Fibromyalgia

Curing Cancer

BPS 6-Month Patient Outcomes